Administrative and Accounting Liability

Administrative liability has deeply changed following the countless law reforms that have affected the entire public sector in recent decades.

We perform constant research and we stay updated on the evolution and the new approaches of the case law, in particular with regard to damages to the Treasury, and to the subjective aspect of gross negligence in the conduct of directors, managers, officers and managers of the Public Administration.

We advise you on assessing potential implications of administrative and accounting liability for administrative procedures, initiatives, programs, interventions, investments, operations, innovative tenders and concessions, project financing.

We practice as attorneys before the Regional Sections of the Court of Auditors and, on appeal, before the Central Jurisdictional Sections of the Court, assuming the defense of administrators, managers, officers, managers, employees of public administrations and of public companies both during the pre-trial phase (before the Public Prosecutor’s Office) and during the judgment before the Court.

Avvocato Maurizio Ferlini authored a series of essays and publications on the topic of administrative and accounting liability of civil servants.
